Wednesday, March 09, 2011

REcent Vids..

Hello Cazhes,

No Scrubs Healthcare Er day look

Bold Valiant Look

Whats going on guys not much with with me work and started spring cleaning oh my i didnt realize that I have alot of stuff until its time to pack and up and get rid of it.  Well I only have one problem I have a hard time letting go of things. So this spring cleaning is going to extend another week lol.  Oh well I recent did a contest entry for my girl txcutie75 go check her out on youtube.  So here are some of the looks one of the vids I got in for the contest and I recieved HONORABLE MENTION for my vid the other one I didnt submit in time for the contest hope all is well with you guys ttyl.  CocoaD.. please check her channel out.. you wont regret it...
Bold Valiant Look

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