Sunday, April 03, 2011

Inspiration: Kelly Rowland

Hey Cazhes,

Hello Diva's n Divo's so sorry I was suppose to have had this done a week ago well her it is the Inspired Look of Ms. Kelly Rowland.  Hope you guys had a wonderful and blessed weekend my prayers go out to you and your family and hope you guys are sending up prayers for me as well cause Lord knows I can use it.  Anywho I am not where I wanna be in Life but I thank God for his grace and mercy that things are not as bad as they could be.  Until the next time CocoaD out.






G Jones said...

I've always loved Kelly, she's so beautiful! I think you did a great job on the recreation, I really love your eyebrows :)

CocoagirlD said...

Thanks Diva hope your enjoying your week and dont work to hard so glad the weekend is coming soon I need some R&R. Thanks these eyebrows are a work in progress its a day to day fight lol. ttyl :-)