Thursday, April 21, 2011

Worship Wednesday

Hello Cazhes,

Well it seems to me that I'm always doing my worship wednesday's very early thursday morning.  So I have decided to start calling it Talk to me Lord Thursdays.. I know thats long but if anyone has any suggestions on what else to name it I welcome any ideas.  And with that being said Wednesday will most likely be Whats up with me Wednesday.  Now onto the Word..

 Well I have been going thru alot of trials for the past few months or even year I can say.  Recently I was in the position where I didnt have a vehicle and was stuck w/o transportation.  Now ladies come on now a diva needs her own ride! I am currently working 2 jobs and I help out alot with my family.  So I need to be able to move around without waiting on someone else to take me places im independent and never really had to rely on others to get me around I'm normally the person u call to get a ride or a jump.  But anyways I didnt panic, and get too upset I simply prayed and asked the Lord to help me with this situation for I know he knows all my needs and desires.  Im trying to get better at how I react to situations and circumstances in my life.  So lets just say God blessed me with another car in a week, I went almost a week without a car.  I have never bought a car that quickly.  So with that being said, I feel that God responded to that pray because I decided not to react in the way I normally do to things, I said Im going to trust God this time I have to start putting more trust in him and I know he will make a way out of no way as he always do!  I remember singing a song with the women's choir at church that was called " We shall recieve if we faint not" By Kevin Davidson  this reminds me of a scripture from:

Galatians 6:9-10 (King James Version)

 9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
 10As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

I encourage you right now if you are going thru any trials or tribulations right now to just hold on and keep the faith.  Do not  panic hold onto God's word and promises and continue to give him praise for what he has done for you and for the things that he will do for you in the future.  For God will get you out of your time of trouble.  I was unable to get a video with the song referred to above but I did find the lyrics.  I encourage you if possible to find the song and let it meditate in your spirit and I pray that it helps you whenever you may need it.  I love you guys and thank you for coming thru again.  Stay blessed and until the next time CocoaDout...

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